We place a high value on membership here at The Parkway Church, because we believe the Scriptures demand it. You can read more about our convictions on this issue by reading our blog “Why Covenant Membership?”. What the Bible teaches on this subject is anything but casual, which is why you will not see people joining The Parkway Church by walking down to the front to shake the pastors hand after a service, or having a letter of membership transferred to us from a previous church. Instead, we have a process we ask people to go through. Here’s a brief outline of what that process entails:
Attend a Membership Class.
This is a class we offer every few months where we “put our cards on the table” about where we land theologically. The bulk of the class is spent walking through our Statement of Faith and Membership Covenant.
Provide a bit of information about yourself.
After the Membership Class, we ask you to fill out a form that includes your personal contact information, a brief summary of the gospel in your own words, your testimony of how that gospel changed your life, and whether you have been baptized after your conversion.
Have a meeting with a staff or elder.
This meeting is primarily for the purposes of just getting to know you. It’s important to us that the members of Parkway have a personal connection and relationship with their leaders.
Affirmation of Membership by the elders
Your testimony is read by the elders, and they affirm you as a member of the church.