Global Partners

Send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name. (3 John 6-7)

Jesus has given his Church a task while we await his return: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Disciple-making is the beating-heart of every local church. But the command Jesus gave is not merely local, it’s also global. If the gospel is for all nations, then part of our job is to partner with others pursuing gospel work around the world. 

To that end, The Parkway Church currently partners with two families engaging in that work.

Ryan & Kristin

Ryan was born and raised in the south Texas hill country. He often bonds with Asian friends over their shared love of the NBA and Spurs basketball. While he enjoys Asian cuisine, his first loves will always be Texas BBQ and Mexican food. Jesus changed Ryan's life during his sophomore year at Texas A&M University, where he heard the gospel powerfully preached at a student ministry called Breakaway. 
After that, Ryan got involved in student ministry, which led him to take his first mission trip to East Asia in 2013 where he met Kristin who was also doing student ministry there. They got engaged seven months later in the same city where they now live, and were married in the States in 2014. Since Kristin is from Virginia and Ryan is from Texas, they like to say they're in a "cross-cultural" relationship. After Ryan finished his M.Div. at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2017, they moved to East Asia where Ryan now pastors an English-speaking church and Kristin homeschools their two daughters.
Their ministry involves discipling church members, learning the local language, evangelizing college students, and partnering with local pastors in church planting and theological education. Their desire is for God to use the English-speaking church as a model and resource to reach unreached peoples with the gospel and plant more healthy churches across East Asia. Ryan's relatives live in McKinney, so Ryan and Kristin are excited to be partners in the gospel with Parkway, and to get to know the church's members!

Dave & Gloria

Dave and Gloria have been married for over twenty years and have four children. Dave's family is from McKinney, where he attended McKinney High School and played on the football team. He and Gloria attended the University of North Texas, where they met at a Bible study. 
In their early years of marriage, they worked on campus in Denton and took short-term teams on overseas trips with their church. After a layover in Dubai, the Lord placed the Middle East on their hearts. In 2008, Dave and Gloria moved to Dubai, and in February 2010 Redeemer Church of Dubai was planted in the heart of the city, where Dave is the founding pastor. 
Since then, over ten new churches have been planted, and the Gulf Theological Seminary has launched to train pastors and leaders. Dave and Gloria are committed to training and equipping the next generation of leaders for service in the region.