COVID-19 Update:

After much prayer and consideration, conversations with leaders of other churches in our community, and following the recommendations provided by the CDC and other government officials, we made the decision to resume our in-person Sunday Morning Worship Service on May 24th. Since then, and until further notice…

Our Worship Service continues to meet in-person every Sunday, at 10:30am.*

Our Theological Equipping Class is also meeting in-person every Sunday, at 9:00am.*

Our Youth (middle school to high school) are meeting, unless announced otherwise, every Sunday evening, at 5:30pm.

Children’s programming is currently being offered during Theological Equipping Class (Preschool-5th Grade), and during our Worship Service (Preschool).

COVID-19 Safety Measures:

We are very excited for the opportunity to begin gathering again; but we also want to exercise an appropriate amount of caution as we gather in this unique season. Please keep reading to learn important information about the changes we’ve made to our Sunday Morning Programming which allow us to safely worship together in one service, and how you can help serve our church through recommended social distancing practices as you attend.

If you have any questions that aren’t addressed in the following, please direct them to

Worshiping Together...In Different Rooms

In order to best promote social distancing practices in accordance with the recommendations given by Gov. Greg Abbott’s Strike Force, we have removed 50% of the chairs from our Sanctuary. “But our service is typically full...where are we all going to sit?” Great question! In order to accommodate our typical attendance without sacrificing the safety of the congregation, we have made seating available in the Fellowship Hall and the Chapel, in addition to the Sanctuary. Video from the service is streamed live from the Sanctuary into the Fellowship Hall and the Chapel so that everyone can hear the worship and the preaching simultaneously. 

Additionally, though we are not requiring that Worship Service attendees wear masks, we are requiring those who sit in the Chapel to wear masks. So, if you’d like to attend our services, but would prefer to worship in a space where masks are required, our Chapel is a great option.

LiveStream Service

Though many of us are able to attend our in-person gatherings without hesitation, there are a few of our members who for various reasons are unable to join us in this season. For these individuals, we provide a livestream of our 10:30am Worship Service; we hope this allows those who cannot be with us and their families something that’s a little more engaging than mere audio in this strange season. The livestream is only be available live (for the duration of our service); in other words, it will begin when our service begins (10:30am), and end when our service ends (around noon). To view the livestream, click here.


The Sanctuary, Chapel, and Fellowship Hall have a table at the entrance of each room with our communion elements. We’re asking that you grab the elements (which have been sealed for safety purposes), and take them to your seat. We will all partake together at the end of the service. On your way out, simply throw away your own communion cups in the provided trashcans.

Additional Safety Measures

There are several additional changes we’ve made that might go without saying; but we wanted to make you aware of the following so that you can be aware and prepare accordingly:

  • Hand sanitizer is available throughout the church. 

  • Each individual, family unit, or household should sit the recommended distance away from other individuals, family units, and households. Those who desire to sit with others outside of their own family unit or household are welcome to do so as long as everyone involved is comfortable doing so.

  • Deacons preparing the communion elements have their temperature taken that morning following the recommendation of The State of Texas. 

  • The church is currently receiving extra sanitation and cleaning each week.

We realize that this is a lot of change and a lot of information. If you are feeling discouraged already, please hang in there! This is only a season, and the actual grace of gathering will far surpass these temporary inconveniences.

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

With all of this information in mind, you might be wondering if you should join us in-person, or if you should continue to stay home. We wanted to pass along the recommendations of the State of Texas and the CDC, and also offer our personal encouragement below:

The State of Texas has put together a helpful guide with recommendations for individuals looking to attend a church service as churches reopen. We would encourage you to read over it here. Here are some important recommendations from that guide:

  • If you or anyone in your home has COVID-19, has symptoms of the virus, or suspect that you may have the virus, you are required to stay home. If you are not sure if you have the virus (you think it is just a cold, etc.) we would ask that you err on the side of caution and stay home for love of the church body. 

  • If you have been around anyone who has the virus, you should stay home until the time appointed by the relevant authorities. The state’s regulations on when you may return to church are listed in the document linked above.

Additionally, the CDC recommends that those who are over 65 and/or have underlying medical conditions listen to the service at home. Please note, if you are over 65 and/or have an underlying medical condition but still want to attend, we will certainly not forbid nor discourage you from attending.

The CDC also recommends that individuals wear a mask and gloves to prevent the transmission of the virus to others. Please note: we will not require that attendees wear a mask or gloves, but will have disposable masks available.

Finally, you should be sensitive to the importance of social distancing as you interact with others. For example, though we love each other, handshakes and hugs might not be the best way to greet someone in this season. Or you may have friends that prioritize social distancing practices a little more than you—we would encourage you to consider and respect their priorities before your own. Additionally, if you have young children, the whole “social distancing” thing might not be the first thing on their mind as they walk into the building. We would ask that you speak with your kids beforehand, and do what you can to ensure that they stay a safe distance from others.

This is a strange and unique season. We want to be clear that everyone should feel the freedom to make decisions regarding church attendance that are best for you or your family. Some of you may want to stay home for a while longer. That is a good and faithful position. Some of you may want to gather. That is a good and faithful position. This is an adiaphora issue, so no one should feel shame (nor shame others) in their attendance decisions.

One final word…

We know this is a lot of info. In all of this, our heart is to get back to normal church life as quickly and safely as possible. We know it’s not as much fun to attend church where people are sitting several feet apart, some people are wearing masks, and people in other rooms can’t even see the glory of Tim Hollis in person. But remember: this is just a season. We don’t know how long this season will last, but we know it won’t last forever. But for now, it’s a blessing to be able to gather together. We will continue to keep you informed in regard to the future of our programming.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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